
Showing posts from December, 2021

Piece by Piece, as told by Chip the teamster of ill-repute

A four-man cleanup team arrives at the laboratory complex of Big Company. They've been contracted to collect an artifact  that played some role in an event that killed one or more people working in the lab that morning. The details are sparse, and they are provided with only a collapsible screw-top bag into which they are supposed to put the artifact. The group is comprised of debonair marine Wynn, drug-addled teamster Chip, curmudgeonly structural engineer Emril, and Randal, an android. Upon entering the lab they find the lab director, Dr. Ojo, making repairs to a security android named Curtis in the employee lounge. Curtis had been attacked by by one of the researchers a couple of hours ago. Curtis seemed very much like a company android and was stingy with details around how he had come to be attacked, the details of the attack itself, and what was waiting for the cleanup crew in the lab.  Wynn took advantage of the amenities to eat some kind of soup the automated canteen offere