
Showing posts from October, 2021

Ancient tongue of Unknown origin.

on the silver platter is a large black tongue. if you stare at it, the musculature seems to swell or flex slowly. with the encouragement of the ships’ android, you ingest the tongue. it's difficult to swallow and impossible to chew, and it strains your throat to get it into your stomach, but afterwards you feel fine, with no ill effects. that night you have some strange dreams. when you wake in the morning, your tongue falls off, and in its place is a long, thick, dark tongue-- the size and shape of a large black slug. it props your jaw open somewhat and now your mouth drips with greasy black liquid that stains your clothes. the tongue is new to you, but... very old. before it found you, the tongue lived for centuries. since long before the age of the dinosaurs. the tongue knows a word, a very old word. a word so old you’re sure no human has ever heard it uttered before. you’re dying to know what happens when this word is spoken out loud. at night, your friends and loved ones may h